Educational plan
These educational plans and programme descriptions refer to the A.Y. 2024/2025
Biotechnology for the bioeconomy (Classe LM-7)
Enrolled from 2022/23 academic year (G64)
First semester
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Biomass and Waste Recycling Promoting the Circular Economy | 7 | 56 | English | AGR/13 |
Fermentation Biotechnology | 7 | 60 | English | CHIM/11 |
Methods in Biotechnology | 9 | 96 | English | AGR/07 AGR/12 |
Structure and Functions of Biomolecules | 8 | 72 | English | CHIM/10 |
Second semester
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Environmental Microbial Biotechnology | 6 | 52 | English | AGR/16 |
Environmental Plant Biotechnology | 6 | 56 | English | AGR/13 |
Plants as Biofactories | 6 | 56 | English | AGR/07 |
Protein Engineering and Proteomics | 6 | 60 | English | BIO/10 |
First semester
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Bioeconomy: Management, Assessment and Intellectual Property | 6 | 56 | English | AGR/01 |
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Compulsory | ||||
Internship and Final Exam | 36 | 0 | English |
First semester
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Bio-Based Innovation in Food Science | 6 | 54 | English | AGR/15 |
Biostatistics and Design of Experiments in Biotechnology | 6 | 64 | English | AGR/17 |
Developing Soft Skills in Science: Case-Studies from Microbial Biotechnology | 6 | 56 | English | AGR/16 |
Molecular Analysis and Traceability of Biotechnological Products | 6 | 56 | English | BIO/10 |
Molecular Biobased Approaches for Plant Protection | 4 | 48 | English | AGR/12 |
Second semester
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Applied Biocatalysis | 6 | 56 | English | CHIM/11 |
Biomolecular Experiment Planning | 2 | 16 | English | BIO/10 |
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals | 6 | 56 | English | MED/49 |
Plant Microbiome-Based Strategies for Agri-Environmental Biotechnologies | 4 | 36 | English | AGR/16 |
Ree Crispres - a Workshop On Genome Editing Technologies | 3 | 40 | English | AGR/03 AGR/07 AGR/12 BIO/01 |
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | SSD |
Optional | ||||
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | |
Other Activities (laboratories, seminars) | 3 | 0 | English |
Optional activities and study plan rules
- Table 1 - Elective courses: the student will choose 2 course among the list of elective courses. Choose 2 among the following:
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Applied Biocatalysis | 6 | 56 | English | Second semester | CHIM/11 |
Bio-Based Innovation in Food Science | 6 | 54 | English | First semester | AGR/15 |
Biostatistics and Design of Experiments in Biotechnology | 6 | 64 | English | First semester | AGR/17 |
Developing Soft Skills in Science: Case-Studies from Microbial Biotechnology | 6 | 56 | English | First semester | AGR/16 |
Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals | 6 | 56 | English | Second semester | MED/49 |
Molecular Analysis and Traceability of Biotechnological Products | 6 | 56 | English | First semester | BIO/10 |
- Table 2 - Optional courses
To complete the study program the student must acquire 8 CFU in 1 or more courses freely chosen among:
i) the optional courses specifically activated by the BforB Master Degree (see table 2)
ii) additional elective courses (see table 1)
iii) all courses activated by the University of Milan for Master Degrees as long as consistent with the aims of the BforB degree and not a repetition of a course already inserted in the study plan.
See also the paragraphe "Programme structure - Study plan definition and submission for approval.
Optional courses specifically activated by the BforB Master Degree:
To complete the study program the student must acquire 8 CFU in 1 or more courses freely chosen among:
i) the optional courses specifically activated by the BforB Master Degree (see table 2)
ii) additional elective courses (see table 1)
iii) all courses activated by the University of Milan for Master Degrees as long as consistent with the aims of the BforB degree and not a repetition of a course already inserted in the study plan.
See also the paragraphe "Programme structure - Study plan definition and submission for approval.
Optional courses specifically activated by the BforB Master Degree:
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Biomolecular Experiment Planning | 2 | 16 | English | Second semester | BIO/10 |
Molecular Biobased Approaches for Plant Protection | 4 | 48 | English | First semester | AGR/12 |
Plant Microbiome-Based Strategies for Agri-Environmental Biotechnologies | 4 | 36 | English | Second semester | AGR/16 |
- Table 3 - Other activities:
Further 3 CFUs have to be acquired by International Students mandatorily as "Additional Language Skills: Italian".
To obtain the degree, those who do not hold an Italian high school diploma or bachelor's degree must demonstrate proficiency in Italian at the A2 or higher level per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This level must be demonstrated prior to completing the course programme in one of the following ways:
- by submitting a certificate of A2 or higher level issued no more than three years prior to the date of submission. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: The language certificate must be submitted to the University Language Centre (SLAM) via the Language Test category of the InformaStudenti service:;
- via a entry-level test administrated by SLAM that can only be taken only once.
Those who fail to reach A2 level will have to attend a 60-hour Italian course geared to their level.
Those who do not take the entry-level test or fail to pass the end-of-course test after six attempts will have to obtain language certification privately in order to earn the 3 credits of Additional language skills: Italian.
Further 3 CFUs have to be acquired by Italian Students by choosing one of the following activities:
- Other activities (laboratorties, seminars)
- Ree Crispres - A workshop on genome editing technologies
Further 3 CFUs have to be acquired by International Students mandatorily as "Additional Language Skills: Italian".
To obtain the degree, those who do not hold an Italian high school diploma or bachelor's degree must demonstrate proficiency in Italian at the A2 or higher level per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This level must be demonstrated prior to completing the course programme in one of the following ways:
- by submitting a certificate of A2 or higher level issued no more than three years prior to the date of submission. You will find the list of language certificates recognized by the University at: The language certificate must be submitted to the University Language Centre (SLAM) via the Language Test category of the InformaStudenti service:;
- via a entry-level test administrated by SLAM that can only be taken only once.
Those who fail to reach A2 level will have to attend a 60-hour Italian course geared to their level.
Those who do not take the entry-level test or fail to pass the end-of-course test after six attempts will have to obtain language certification privately in order to earn the 3 credits of Additional language skills: Italian.
Further 3 CFUs have to be acquired by Italian Students by choosing one of the following activities:
- Other activities (laboratorties, seminars)
- Ree Crispres - A workshop on genome editing technologies
Courses or activities | ECTS | Total hours | Language | Lesson period | SSD |
Additional Language Skills: Italian (3 ECTS) | 3 | 0 | Italian | Undefined | |
Other Activities (laboratories, seminars) | 3 | 0 | English | Undefined | |
Ree Crispres - a Workshop On Genome Editing Technologies | 3 | 40 | English | Second semester | AGR/03 AGR/07 AGR/12 BIO/01 |