
Guidelines for the Degree Internship (DI) and the Final Examination

The master's degree in Biotechnology for the Bioeconomy (G64, BforB) is achieved through a Final Examination, which consists in the public discussion of a Dissertation reporting the results of the activities carried out during the Degree Internship (DI).

See all the final thesis and internship opportunities

Agricultural and Food Sciences - Internships

The internship is a key training opportunity that allows students to actually experience the work world.

Each programme has established the number of credits to be assigned for the internship and the final paper required for attaining a first-level degree.

Students can do their internship or thesis at organizations, companies and associations that signed an agreement with the University, at an organization, company or association of their choice, or within the University facilities. 

Students who want to do their internship / thesis at external companies or organizations can search the Almalaurea-Unimi online board for internship offers and apply for those in line with their profile, or they can agree on an individual training project with a company already affiliated with the University or with a company of their choice.

If the association / organization / company is not yet affiliated, the student must invite them to register for the internship service and apply for an agreement. More information on the procedure to be followed by a company to activate an internship is available on the dedicated pages.

Students who want to do their internship / thesis within the university facilities can look for faculty internship / thesis offers, identify a teacher who carries out research in their field of interest in the database of university tutors, or contact their tutor for information and suggestions.

For specific information on internship / thesis projects, advice and suggestions, students can always contact their Tutor or the Chairman of the programme's coordinating board.

Internship activation procedures (COSP)

Internships must be activated following the procedure established by the COSP.

Any company applying for the activation of an internship must upload on the platform set up by the COSP a copy of the university tutor letter, prepared by a teacher of the Faculty who will act as university tutor, using only the forms to be filled online in the intranet area of the Faculty website, internship and thesis service (the forms can only be filled in by the teacher).

The letter must be completed in all its parts, printed and signed by the tutor.

Before starting their internship or thesis, students must countersign the letter drafted and signed by the University tutor, and send it to the Academic Office (Segreteria didattica) of their Faculty via InformaStudenti.

The corresponding forms must be filled online, in the intranet area of the Faculty website, by the professor exclusively.

Upon completion of the thesis the student must:

  • fill in the student satisfaction questionnaire online and make sure that the company tutor complete the company tutor satisfaction questionnaire online (the links to the questionnaires will be emailed to the student and the company tutor at the end of the internship / thesis period) by the COSP Placement Office);
  • fill in the tutoring service assessment questionnaire online (using their University email credentials).
  • contact the university tutor and make sure that they send the thesis completion form online;

Completing the satisfaction questionnaires is essential for the completion of the thesis.

Upon completion of the thesis the student must:

  • fill in the student satisfaction questionnaire online (using their University email credentials) and make sure that the university tutor complete the university tutor satisfaction questionnaire online.
  • make sure that the university tutor send the thesis completion form online;

Completing the satisfaction questionnaires is essential for the completion of the thesis.

General information (COSP)

An internship (or traineeship) is a training experience encompassing different options:

  • Students can participate in curricular internship/work placement
  • Those who have completed their study programme not more than 12 months ago can do extracurricular internships/traineeships.

The Cosp manages setup procedures for internships in public and private companies and institutions aimed at enrolled students, graduands and postgraduates.

How to find a stage opportunity

Students can either select one of the available internship positions on the University noticeboard or find an internship by themselves.
In any case they must follow procedures established by the Study and Career Guidance Centre (COSP).